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Leadership Professional Development

10 Event Planning Tips I Learned from Lucky Boxcutter [Book Review]
By Meaghan Maybee on July 12, 2023

Event planning isn’t just a job; it’s a career and a way of life. I firmly believe that meeting planners are some of the hardest-working individuals on the planet. No other job provides the...

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Engagement Diversity and Inclusion

LGBTQ-friendly Event Planning: How to Create an Inclusive Meeting
By Meaghan Maybee on June 27, 2023

Every June, millions of people around the world celebrate Pride Month, a time of year to honor the importance of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual...

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Engagement Diversity and Inclusion

10 Best Cities for Conferences in 2024 That Are LGBTQ Friendly
By Meaghan Maybee on June 21, 2023

According to the Human Rights Campaign, 29 states in the U.S. do not have laws protecting LGBTQ+ Americans from discrimination of sexual orientation in 2024. While creating safe meetings...

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Engagement Diversity and Inclusion

19 Black Motivational Speakers Who Drive Engagement at Events
By Meaghan Maybee on June 7, 2023

Every conference deserves an upbeat motivational keynote speaker. The best presenters know how to captivate an audience and bring unique perspectives to the table. What better way to do...

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Experiential Diversity and Inclusion

Incentive Travel: How Cultural Experiences Create a Successful Event
By Meaghan Maybee on May 17, 2023

For Andrea Puizina, diversity isn't just a buzzword. It's a reality that meeting planners need to embrace. Whether in the workplace or at events, diversity plays a crucial role in creating...

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Inspiration Engagement

Fun Event Themes Sure to Add a 'Wow Factor’ to Your Gathering
By Meaghan Maybee on May 10, 2023

Want to create a unique buzz around your event? Start by choosing an event theme! Event themes aren’t just about having fun; they’re also a tried-and-true way to add something meaningful to...

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Experiential Engagement

Experiential Marketing and Events: Top Strategies and Definitions to Know
By Meaghan Maybee on May 10, 2023

Take a moment and think about an interactive event you loved attending. What made the experience so memorable? Was there music, a photo booth, interactive games, or exciting activities?...

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Sales and Marketing Engagement

Fun Event Activation Ideas to Improve Brand Recognition
By Meaghan Maybee on May 10, 2023

Event marketers know that creating brand engagement takes thought, hard work, and ingenuity. After all, you may know your target audience, but what if they don’t know you? What strategies...

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Sales and Marketing

Social Media Event Marketing: Tips and a Timeline for Your Posts
By Rachel Bernadskii on April 19, 2023

Whether you are looking to generate buzz for your event or boost attendance, social media is a powerful tool that can help you reach your event marketing goals. In this blog, we are going...

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15 Sustainability Ideas to Help Your Organization Go Green
By Meaghan Maybee on April 7, 2023

Today, most people would agree that looking after the planet, making eco-conscious choices, and going green is not only the moral thing to do but the smart thing to do — especially when it...

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